Bad news first…

The Stumpjumper Enduro hosted by MCI has been cancelled this year. If I recall correctly, the last time MCI ran the event was 2018 and it was a blast. We miss your enduro! Best of luck next year.

Ridge Riders Motorcycle Club’s ambitious plans to have TWO enduro’s this year have unfortunately gone over the bars and into the mud. Their plan was to host a traditional timekeeping event out of their former starting area and, rumor has it, host a 100 mile event! How I was so looking forward to that. Alas, RRMC will have to try again next year.

Before the good news, if you are not in a club or you have friends not in a club, please consider joining and encouraging them to join. Firstly, to be eligible for an enduro championship you must be in a club and volunteer for at least one event. But more importantly, ECEA is volunteer driven. We are all volunteers and without people with passion for the sport, it would be long gone by now. You don’t need to dedicate your life to it, just a little bit of time here and there and it will go a long way. I’ve met many friends this way, some of them I consider quite close and you’d be doing your part to help keep ECEA and Enduro alive. If you are interested, check out the CLUBS page and learn some more about each club.

Onto the good news!

MMC and PBER have successfully rescheduled their Enduro’s for November!!! Sandy Lane Enduro will be November 17th and Clock Run Enduro will be November 24th. The event pages have been updated to reflect those dates and more info is yet to come when the events are nearer.

I am extremely excited for both events. PBER has not hosted their event since I think 2019 so this will surely be a treat.

That means we have EIGHT more enduros this year; we are not even half way through the season yet. Wow… This time last year we only had four left.

See you all at Three Springs Enduro this weekend, I’ve got a championship to win